A Scentsy high that is!! I became an independent consultant two weeks ago, tomorrow... and I can't believe how fun and easy it has been to sell! I really love this stuff! Thank you to everyone that has visited my website, and has ordered, it has really been helping out. One of my biggest goals is to become a director, and of course I need to build my team. So, if you love Scentsy, I would love for you to join my team, {
really!} I honestly got into it because I love candles, and I was really worried about the government shut-down. I wanted to do something that I could control, ie. my own hours, my own income, etc. I didn't want the pressures of having a job, and having someone let me go because they are down-sizing. Plus, with a shut-down or not, I wanted to contribute income to the family. Whether it be to help pay the bills, or even for recreational money. I have been truly excited lately, and hopefully my smile is infectious. For my personal Scentsy website:
Click Here
So, with that, this past weekend was a lot of fun! It was low-key, but it was very pleasant. It was Easter of course! The girls really liked their goodies in their Easter baskets, and egg-hunting at Yia Yia's house. Plus, the dinner was amazing as well.
I've also lost 4 inches from my thighs,
hello! Yay me!
I was also a little bummed that I've lost some followers lately. Bummer.
How was your Easter weekend?
3 Amazing thoughts:
My mom bought me a scentsy (well I picked it out!) for my birthday and I LOVE it. I love the warm glow and that I can move it room to room. And the smell... ohhh I'm in Heaven!
Good luck with your business.
I sent you an email last week asking more about Scentsy. Let me know if you didn't get it.
Also, yay for loosing weight, boo for losing followers!! Screw them!
congrats on the business, im so happy for you! i would actually like to know more about scentsy...sounds like something fun to do to make some extra money. if you could please email me stephanie.nicole09@yahoo.com that would be great :) thanks so much, i hope you have a great day!
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