{Tap in Thursdays} Military Quarters

This is a new meme from Army Strong Spouses! If you are military spouse, feel free to link up! :)
{Military Quarters}
1. Name an installation you have been stationed.
Twentynine Palms, California-- This was my first duty station that I was actually married at. (I am prior-service.) It is right dab in the Mojave Desert.
2. Did/do you live on or off post?
I lived on and off base.
3. What would you recommend for newcomers to do about housing?
If there is a wait list, (mine was only two weeks) then, you have the option to go to 801 housing out in town. It has its pros/cons. I personally didn't live in 801, and honestly, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
Check out www.militarybyowner.com I absolutely LOVE that website. I found a cheap brand new home to rent, when we moved off base. This website is useful for all duty stations.
4. Where is an inexpensive place you can stay off post while waiting for on post living?
I have no idea off base! But, they have lodging on base that is reasonable.
5. How is the housing office? Do you have any recommendations or specific people to speak with?
Lincoln Military Housing is a privatized company. You are not going to have a choice on what housing you want. They stick you where they can. If you husband reaches a certain rank that allows more bedrooms; make sure that they meet your requests soon. I found a better house off base that was cheaper than what the BAH was. Remember, Lincoln Housing is a business, and they want your money. I told them that I wanted to move into this nice house, and magically the wait list diminished from 3-5 months (they told me the same crud for 3 months at that point) to they have a house available for me.
6. How is the wait list?
That really depends on the time of year. If you never lived in their housing before, it could be very quick. However, if your family grows or your spouse gains rank, it could take a while.